Post by maryellen on Jan 16, 2012 18:26:21 GMT -5
last few times the football games have been on and roommate gets all excited and yells (touchdown etc) rufus goes into panic mode and trys to hide.. now, when roommate is standing in same spot that he might have whoooped or yelled in rufus immediately dives off the couch and hides under the table in the living room.
i dont get it... he was always afraid of loud noises since i got him as a pup (only human yelling) now it seems he is getting worse and worse with age... even with the vaccumm, now he tries to bolt when i vaccumm and it never bothered him before...
i dont know how to help him with this and its driving me nuts.. any advise?
Post by loverocksalot on Jan 16, 2012 18:29:09 GMT -5
Yeah watch that Suzanne Clothier video. just came in a newsletter email and Rocky posted it on his FB
Post by loverocksalot on Jan 16, 2012 18:31:05 GMT -5
rockys fb post was I Like Training Tips From Rocky Puzio. When i am afraid mom comforts me in a calm way that when things like Thunder come Im no longer afraid it will hurt me. I know Thunder brings calm hugs and pets. Now it is something to look forward too. Watch this video from Suzanne Clothier ( if you dont know who she is go here flyingdogpress.com/content/view/83/)
Post by loverocksalot on Jan 16, 2012 18:32:48 GMT -5
I Love RPBF!
Liz & Inara CGC, TD, TT, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., CW-SR
Posts: 360
Post by pitbullmamaliz on Jan 16, 2012 18:57:04 GMT -5
Can't thyroid issues make them more fearful? Maybe there is something physically wrong with him.
Post by loverocksalot on Jan 16, 2012 19:03:15 GMT -5
I had this in my bookmarks. Did not really look through it but maybe it has some help fearfuldogs.com/
Post by maryellen on Jan 16, 2012 19:04:17 GMT -5
hmm i never thought of thyroid..... he does have one lump under his armpit that i have biopsied twice a year that comes back benign. but it has started to grow a bit so i am wondering if that or his thyroid has something to do with it, he is due for a wellness exam (blood/urine etc) so i hope its something simple like that... as far as the room mate, he has known rufus for almost 3 years, and adores him, he has taken him for walks and (man time lol where he takes rufus for the day and they do all sorts of stuff together, he does this with sadie too and both dogs love to be with him and i know he wouldnt hurt them as he loves dogs and i have his one dog living here with us as well)..
gonna call the vet for a vet visit and see how his thyroid is and his lump as well.. thanks for the idea liz!
I Love RPBF!
Liz & Inara CGC, TD, TT, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., CW-SR
Posts: 360
Post by pitbullmamaliz on Jan 18, 2012 8:21:36 GMT -5
Not a problem! Hope you find a solution!
Post by maryellen on Jan 20, 2012 16:46:30 GMT -5
vet visit tonight for blood work, urine, stool, and aspiration on an existing lump that has grown a bit
Post by loverocksalot on Jan 20, 2012 17:03:09 GMT -5
Hope all is well. Hope he does ok for this weekends games.
I Love RPBF!
Liz & Inara CGC, TD, TT, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., CW-SR
Posts: 360
Post by pitbullmamaliz on Jan 20, 2012 21:19:46 GMT -5
Lots of good thoughts for nothing serious!
Post by maryellen on Jan 20, 2012 21:23:45 GMT -5
urine = perfect stool = perfect.. heart/lungs = perfect bloodwork taken for full cbc plus full thyroid testing results will be in next week. weight 52.2 the cyst was aspirated and its a fatty cyst, vet said to just keep monitoring it and retest in 6 months. he looked at the previous results of it(i get it tested every 6 months) and all the results havent changed at all since it has shown up (been there for 5 years now)
once i get the cbc and thryroid results i will post.. thanks everyone for the good vibes!!
vet said he is in excellent health/shape
Post by catstina on Jan 20, 2012 21:31:28 GMT -5
Glad to hear that he is in good health!
Post by perfectpit on Jan 20, 2012 23:35:14 GMT -5
My Aussie has a fatty cyst under her arm too. The vet said not worry about it until it appeared to be bothering her or she started to walk differently. It took about 3 yrs before we finally had to have it surgically removed. The vet brought it out to show me what it looked like. It looked like a big fatty piece of chicken breast. Once it was removed, it never came back. Good luck on the cbc and thyroid tests
Post by fureverywhere on Jan 22, 2012 16:11:30 GMT -5
Glad to hear all is well, definitely check out all the videos suggested. I've just come to accept Ophie being a bit neurotic-she'll even jump up out of sound sleep barking or whining-our upstairs bathroom is her safe space. Guess it's like some dogs with their crate. Thunder, lightening, bad dreams or loud noises and she races into that bathroom.
Post by maryellen on Jan 24, 2012 20:41:46 GMT -5
got the blood tests back, does anyone have Dr dodds email that will go over the thryoid test results? i cant find it and cant remember if its dodd or someone else..
Post by michele5611 on Jan 24, 2012 21:19:28 GMT -5
Sorry I missed this ME!!! Glad all looks ok. I have her contact info somewhere.....I will try and dig it out.
Post by maryellen on Jan 24, 2012 21:26:36 GMT -5
great thanks michele, i had it too but when my laptop crashed i lost everything
Post by loverocksalot on Jan 25, 2012 7:40:40 GMT -5
The Effect of Hypothyroid Function on Canine Behavior L. P. Aronson*, W. J. Dodds PetShrink, 117 Lyman Rd, Berlin, MA 01503, USA Hemopet, 11330 Markon Dr, Garden Grove, CA 92841, USA *Corresponding author: dvm@petshrink.com www.animalfriend.co.uk/PDF/THYROID%20AND%20BEHAVIOUR%20BY%20JEAN%20DODDS.pdfSending to my dad too as his older dog has been acting wacky when power goes out and his stuff beeps.
Post by maryellen on Jan 25, 2012 16:41:52 GMT -5
got rest of bloodwork back, 2 potassium levels were a little off, everything else was fine, sent the results to Dr Dodds for double confirmation